On 29th September 2009 I was trying to find out how to bring excel data into KOHA. Here are the steps.
1. Get the excel file opened in openoffice/microsoft office. Save the file as unicode txt.
2. Install MarcEdit on Windows machine. Use Add-ins-Delimated Text Translator Option and in input box browse the txt file and upload it and in output box type file name and extension of file as "mrk" use deblimeter as Tab and then say next and go on adding/mapping each field with respective marc field and then export the file and it will generate .mrk file.
3. Open the .mrk file in MarcEdit by double clicking it and simply click on the compile records button and it will generate the records in .mrc file.
4. In Koha these records can be imported through koha-tools-stage marc records and upload this .mrc file and then import records as well as run stage marc records.
5. Reindex the data by running koha@localhost:cd /usr/share/koha/bin/migration_tools/rebuild-zebra.pl -b -w
To check for the zebra server running or not run the following commands
$ps -ef | grep zebrasrv
find out the process id and kill that process ID of zebraserver and then restart zebra severver by running the command
$zebrasrv-2.0 -f /etc/koha/koha-conf.xml &
then rerun the rebuild_zebra command and try to search the records which are imported and check the output.
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